Be it a long trip to a shore house with your college buddies or day trip with your significant other to a hike she found online because her friend posted an Instagram from the same spot last week that received 1,200 likes and now she has to get one too, car ride snacks are a must. Personally I do not prepare for shit, so when I find my first gas station about 45 minutes in, my eyes light up for the world of snacks I am about to unleash on. But honestly every gas station is the same and below are must grabs for a enjoyable car ride snack.
1. Combos
The GOAT of gas station snacks. Seriously these things are amazing for snacking, easy to eat and tons of white girl flavors like buffalo/ blue cheese and cheese pizza. Crazy things about combo snacks are the exclusiveness of the car ride nostalgia. When is the last time you saw someone munching on Combos outside of a car? Never, these snacks are only sold at gas stations making it the number 1 go to snack.
2. Beef Jerky.
Play the goddam classics. Beef Jerky being on the list is almost as obvious as a game of thrones incest scene. Peppered Jacks Link or be it roadside jerky in a country town, beef jerky will fill your car up with a rancid smell but god does it feel good to chew on with your windows down and Tom Petty blasting on the radio.
3. Diet Coke
Soda or what we call the Mike Francesa, the diet coke. Usually on road trips your Nalgene water bottle is filled or you have a case of La Croixs stuffed in the trunk, but that crisp sound of cracking a diet coke and then letting out a deep caffeinated burp is what road trips are all about.
4. Scratch Offs
Gambling, it is what's for dinner. Loading up on crossword 3 dollar scratchies to crush while your girlfriend makes you stop at the 3rd rest stop so she can pee will help you ease your tension as you sit back scratching away while watching a family of Asians take pictures in front of a sign saying who the stupid rest stop is named after.
Honorable mentions; obviously tobacco chewing or cancer sticks, peanut m&ms, 7/11 taquitos if you have a bathroom nearby.
Now watch this video on why working at a gas station seems amazing.